Green Woods Club Membership,

First of all, welcome to the new 2013 Green Woods Season.  We are less than two months away from opening and on behalf of the Board, I would like to welcome you back to the club and update everyone on our new year plans and activities.

Membership as a whole continues to be healthy for the club.  We had a smaller number than usual of members who have chosen to move on, and their vacancies were quickly filled by our wait list.  This year we will again meet our limit of member families (285) and retain a healthy wait list for next year and our August membership.  Andrea Gosselin has taken over the Membership chair this year and has done a great job in her first membership drive this season.

We are pleased to announce that Scott Elliott will again return for his 17th year as our Swim Team coach for the upcoming season.  Welcome back Scott!  We look forward to another great season.  The team is currently getting organized.  Any queries for the swim team should be directed to Christina Gorman

We continue to have Woolery Enterprise, Inc. as our management company.  They are already hard at work getting the pool ready for the year.  With a new paint job from last season, their focus has turned to the general maintenance of the filtration and chlorination system for both the main and baby pool.  Woolery is also in the process of hiring the team to manage the pool during the summer and we hope to retain a number of the members of the team from last year.  As usual, if you have family members interested in becoming a lifeguard, you can contact Woolery directly.

On the Social front, Chris DiPaolo is excited to announce her social calendar for the year.  Located on the Green Woods website, we have a number of great events planned.  From the yearly rituals of the crab feast and the wing fest, to opening and closing weekend parties, and Friday night happy hours, you will surely be entertained again this year. We encourage the membership to take advantage of the facilities for their special events, so don’t forget to take advantage of the pavilion rental or after hour pool rentals. If anyone is interested in either of these options, don’t hesitate to contact the pool manager.

Our pool and ground focus for this year is again packed with activities.  First on the list is the dressing up of the front entrance.  We have cleaned up the woods when you come into the facility and also landscaped the front gate.  We believe you will be pleasantly surprised by the updated look.  We had a few trees which have fallen on the grounds courtesy of Sandy, but we are happy to announce that the work we did last year on the trees has prevented damage to any of the buildings or fencing in the pool area.  We have continued this preventative maintenance and also made a big effort to clean up the woods.  On top of this, we have worked to have a healthier lawn in the main area of the pool, fixed some problematic concrete areas, added additional furniture and equipment, moved the vending machines off of the deck, and we continue to do preventative maintenance on the building.   Bob Hewton and Dan Holmes lead up the Pool and Grounds committee this year and continue to work diligently getting things in shape for the opening.  They still have a long list of things to do, so we encourage all members to help out at the cleanup days.  We plan to have two this year, so keep your eyes open for the announcement of the final dates (currently planned for April 28th and May 12th).

Our website was hacked this past year, so we had to secure it and also took this opportunity to freshen it up.  I encourage everyone to take the time to check out our updated websiteJay Garvey has done a great job giving it a facelift.  I can’t say enough about how well communications worked last year and we look to more of the same from Jay for the coming season.  We will continue to try to provide timely and pointed information to the membership without making it overwhelming.  The response to this approach has been very positive.  Since we continue to use email as the preferred method of communication, should your email address change, please contact Jay Garveyso that we can keep you connected.

On the financial front, the pool continues to do well.  Our budget is solid and well accounted for thanks to Lynn Smiddy.  We look to another year being right on budget and we should continue to have a healthy bank reserve to support any surprises for the next couple of years and to support the Club’s long term plans.

The Board would like to recognize the outgoing members Greg Grimes (Pool and Grounds), Bob Leto (Pool and Grounds), and Becky Church (Membership) for their years of service to the club.  Thank you so much for your enthusiastic participation on the Board for the last three years.  Your contributions and involvement were greatly appreciated by the membership.

Aside from the individual Board members already mentioned, Ed Bohn is the Vice President and Sarah Goudy  is our Secretary.  We encourage you to get to know all of the Board and provide them your support.  They give up much of their time to ensure that the club runs well for years to come.

One final point for the new year is in regards to the pool rules.  We encourage you review the by-laws on the Green Woods website and review the signage which we put in place last year.   Your family’s awareness and adherence to these rules ensures a pleasant experience at the club for all. A summary of this is at the bottom of this email.

In conclusion, I want to express my enthusiasm for the 2013 summer season, my appreciation to my fellow Board members and most importantly a big thanks to all of the volunteers that make this club successful year after year.  I look forward to great things ahead for the Green Woods Club.



David Di Biaggio (President, Board of Directors) and the rest of the Green Woods Club Board of Directors.