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Rules and RegsRules & Regulations

As stipulated by The Green Woods Club Bylaws, these Rules and Regulations are established and approved by the Board of Directors to assure safe and sanitary operation of the pool facilities; to provide enjoyable recreation for members and their guests; and to comply with State and local ordinances.

Bondholders are required to read and explain these Rules and Regulations to other family members in their homes and to their guests. All members are responsible for ensuring compliance with these Rules and Regulations.

A complete copy of these Rules and Regulations is posted at the pool. Copies are available upon request from the pool office or from the Board of Directors.

General Rules
1. The speed limit on Maple Lane and on The Green Wood Club property is 15 m.p.h.

2. Children 11 years old and younger must be supervised by a responsible person designated by the bondholder or spouse. If the caregiver does not properly supervise the child(ren), the caregiver’s privilege is suspended until reviewed by the Board of Directors. Supervision includes assuming that the child’s needs are met, that these Rules and Regulations are adhered to, and that the child does not enter the large pool or the wading pool without being accompanied and/or observed.

3. Caregivers supervising children 11 years old and younger must be at least 14 years old. The Board and the Pool Manager retain the right to determine whether a caregiver is, in fact, providing proper supervision for those in his/her care. Lifeguards are not considered caregivers.

4. The Pool Manager must have a signed permission slip allowing the child to be with the particular caregiver. This form is available at the sign-in desk at the pool.

5. Children 12 years old and older may be left at the Club unaccompanied by an adult if they have passed the basic swimming test and a signed Consent Form for the current year is on file. This test will be given by the lifeguard upon request. If the test is failed, the restrictions that apply to children 11 years old and younger are applicable.

6. Any form of music and/or entertainment shall be played at a reasonable volume as determined subjectively by the pool staff and management , so as to insure a pleasant environment for all members and guests.

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Safety and Health
1. Use of the pool is not permitted outside normal pool dates and hours unless properly qualified lifeguards are on duty, during swim team practice, or during swim meets. The Managers and/or lifeguards are in complete charge of the pool, and their direction and instructions must be followed explicitly.

2. All persons using the pool do so at their own risk. The Green Woods Club is not responsible for any accident or injury in conjunction with such use.

3. Each person is required to shower with soap before entering the pool, as required by the Board of Health. A shower is also required before entering the pool after any athletic activities outside the pool.

4. Admission can be refused to anyone with skin abrasions, colds, coughs, inflamed eyes, infections, or wearing bandages.

5. Food and drink are not permitted on the pool deck, except for water. Members and guests are responsible for cleaning up after themselves and for leaving the area ready for the next guest.

6. Unbreakable plastic containers or bottles, soda cans, etc are allowed. Glass containers are not allowed.

7. No running, pushing, wrestling, other sports activity, or causing undue disturbances in or about the deck or pool area is allowed. No one is allowed to ride or otherwise be on the shoulders of another person.

8. The use of skateboards is prohibited on Club property.

9. Water basketball is allowed in the designated area (6 ft.). Depending on the number of people in the pool, the staff may stop water basketball playing.

10. The staff may stop any activity on pool grounds in the interest of safety.

11. Flotation aids are not permitted in the large pool.  At the lifeguards’ discretion, kick boards may be used for lap swimming purposes when the pool is not crowded (max. 10).  Any person who utilizes a flotation device in the baby pool must be supervised by a responsible adult.***Float night floats will be an exception on posted dates.

12. Diving is not permitted from the sides of the pool in the 3-ft. area. Back dives and flip dives are not permitted from the side of the pool. Diving into the pool when the pool is crowded may jeopardize the safety of the members and guests and is prohibited.

13. Diving board, slide, and diving area restrictions are as follows:
a. Only one person at a time is allowed on the diving board or slide steps.
b. Diving must be done directly to the front of the diving board.
c. Diving or sliding into the diving area is not allowed until the diving area is cleared of all swimmers.
d. When the diving board or slide is in use, diving into the diving area from the side of the pool is strictly prohibited.
e. After diving from the diving board or sliding down the slide, everyone must leave the pool by the ladder or swim out of the diving  area as soon as possible to allow others to dive or slide.
f. The pool staff may suspend the use of the diving board, slide, or both  if, in their opinion, the pool is too crowded to provide adequate safety for the diving area or other areas of the pool.
g. Only pool staff is allowed to adjust the tension on the diving board. The staff reserves the right not to allow the tension to be adjusted, if doing so prohibits others from having free access to the diving board.
h. Failure to observe these restrictions and all posted signs on the pool slide will result in loss of diving and/or sliding privileges until approved by the Pool Manager.

14. Adult swim will be held on the hour every hour for 15 minutes, as needed. An adult is determined to be age 18 or older.

15. The rope between the diving well and the rest of the pool must be in place at all times during the weekend and at other times when the pool is heavily attended. It may be taken down for practice and training purposes when the pool is not busy, at the sole discretion of the lifeguard in charge.

16. Four square, shuffleboard, and ping pong are permitted on the pool deck in the areas designated. Rope swing, basketball, volleyball, and horseshoes are permitted on grassy areas. Other sports activities are permitted on grassy area beyond basketball court as long as they do not interfere with the safety and or comfort of other members and guest.

17. Smoking is not permitted within the fence.

18. Trash is to be placed in the trash containers provided. Remember, the responsibility for maintenance of pool property rests with each member.

19. Members using the picnic area are responsible for its cleanliness and neatness while picnicking and upon leaving the area. All trash, refuse, and bottles must be placed in the receptacles provided.

20. Pets are prohibited on pool grounds at all times.

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Restrictions Pertaining to Children
1. The Pool Manager must have a signed permission slip and emergency notification form on file for all children under 18 years old. These forms are available at the sign-in desk at the pool.

2. Only pool staff and club board members are allowed in the managers office.

3. Children 11 years old and younger must be supervised by a responsible person designated by the  bondholder or spouse. If the caregiver does not properly supervise the child(ren), the caregiver’s  privilege is suspended until reviewed by the Board of Directors. Supervision includes assuming  that the child’s needs are met, that these Rules and Regulations are adhered to, and that the  child does not enter the large pool or the wading pool without being accompanied and/or  observed. (also, see section “General Rules”)

4. Caregivers supervising children 11 years old and younger must be at least 14 years old. The  Board and the Pool Manager retain the right to determine whether a caregiver is, in fact,  providing proper supervision for those in his/her care. Lifeguards are not considered caregivers.

5. The Pool Manager must have a signed permission slip allowing the child to be with the particular  caregiver. This form is available at the sign-in desk at the pool.

6. Children 12 years old and older may be left at the Club unaccompanied by an adult if they have  passed the basic swimming test and a signed Consent Form for the current year is on file. This test  will be given by the lifeguard upon request. If the test is failed, the restrictions that apply to children  11 years old and younger are applicable.

7. Children in the wading pool must be strictly supervised at all times by a parent/guardian or caregiver named on the Emergency Contact and Consent Form on file with the pool manager.

8. Children 7 years old and older may not use the wading pool.

9. Children may be left with the instructor during swimming lessons and swim team practice. When the lesson or practice ends, the restrictions pertaining to children are applicable.

10. Children who have not passed the basic swimming test are not allowed on the diving board or in the diving area at any time.

11. Children who have not passed the basic swim test are allowed in the large pool only when accompanied and actively supervised by an adult

12. No diapers or incontinence pads of any kind are allowed in the large pool.

13. Children who are not toilet-trained are not allowed in the large pool.

14. Lounge chairs provided by The Green Woods Swim Club are reserved for adults as defined in the rules, if there are empty lounge chairs available, they may be used by those under 18 until needed or requested by an adult.

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1. Guests are admitted to and permitted to stay on the pool grounds only when accompanied by a  member.

2. Guest fees are $7 each day for both children and adults. Guest fees apply to all children who have reached their first birthday by opening day of the current operational year.

3. Each member is responsible for the conduct of his/her guests at all times.

4. Active members may invite an unlimited number of guests during the season, with a maximum of  10 guests per family on any day. The number of times any one person may be a guest is limited to 10 times a season.

5. Guest passes can be purchased on Member Splash or at the check in gate. If payment via check, make payable to “Green Woods Club” and send to the address in the link above. Guest passes are non-transferrable.

6. A houseguest is someone who is temporarily visiting an active member. A houseguest could be a friend or a relative who is visiting with the active member and who would like to have the privilege of using the pool more than 10 times. Applications for houseguest privileges must be submitted to  the Board of Directors in writing for approval. Requests are reviewed at regularly scheduled Board  of Directors meetings.

7. A caregiver is defined as someone who will be supervising a member’s children at the pool. There are caregivers that will be at the pool on a more frequent basis than a a babysitter and that the member wishes to register as an associate member of the pool but does not fit the “single family household” definition as outlined in the bylaws.  A caregiver may attend the pool only while supervising the member’s children; she/he may not attend in their “free” time.  A fee of $100 is charged for a caregiver.

8. All guest transactions are governed and administered by rules set up by the Board of Directors.

9. Members may hold “swimming parties’ during normal pool hours. Conditions for swimming  parties are as follows:
a. A “swimming party” is a party with more than 10 non-member guests attending.
b. Swimming parties may be held Monday through Friday during normal pool hours only. Green    Woods Club events receive scheduling priority.
c. Members must contact the Pool Manager at least two weeks prior to a swimming party.
d. The Pool Manager will coordinate with the President to avoid conflicts that might arise from  overcrowding, previous                                  commitments, or other situations.
e. If it is determined by the Pool Manager and the President that additional guards are needed, then  the member must pay $10 per guard per hour for each additional guard (check to be made  payable to Green Woods Club).
f. Members are requested to notify the Pool Manager of all swimming parties, regardless of size.

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Special Accommodation for Disabled Individuals

Upon written request by a member, the Board of Directors of The Green Woods Club may make reasonable modifications to these Rules and Regulations so as to accommodate a disabled individual. All requests for special accommodation must be approved by  The Green Woods Club and must be submitted through the Pool Manager.

Enforcement of the Rules

1. Failure to comply with the rules shall be considered sufficient cause for immediate suspension of pool privileges for the offending member and can be considered sufficient cause for cancellation of membership, as stated in The Green Woods Club By laws.

2. The Pool Manager is granted the authority to suspend pool privileges. The Pool Manager can suspend pool privileges for 24 hours until the Board approves. Failure to comply with the suspension order of the Pool Manager will result in a permanent suspension until acted upon by the Board of Directors. Suspension of privileges will be communicated orally, written and via email.

3. The Board of Directors retains the authority to cancel memberships as described in The Green Woods Club By laws.