Green Woods Club is a private outdoor pool. Membership is limited to 285 bonded members and their immediate family residing at the same legal residence. We currently have a long waitlist and our memberships are full for the 2025 season. To be added to the waitlist please visit our Member Splash page and complete our waitlist form. As soon as the form is completed you will be placed on our wait list. While on the wait list, you are afforded one free visit to the pool per season. As spots open up we will make offers to families on our waitlist in the order of which they are received.
As memberships are terminated, new bonded members are called, in order, from the wait list. After the second offer of membership, it must be accepted or the name will be dropped from the wait list. Bonded membership is $600. We do offer a Bond Payment Plan. The Bond is Redeemable and will be refunded as your Bond is turned over to a new member.
Those on the wait list may be offered an August Only Membership. Please review form for further information. There are annual dues and registration fees that cover the operating expenses of the pool. Please view a Dues and Registration Form for current fees. Guest passes are available. Please review guest pass procedures for further information.
As a bonded member, to terminate your membership, please review the Bond Termination form.
All bonded members with children under the age of 18, must have on file an Emergency Contact and Consent Form to be completed each season.
For further membership questions consult the By-Laws or membership chair.